Redefining possibilities
Bridging current and future quantum hardware to practical applications
The Center for Quantum Computing and Information Technologies (QCiT) will bring together an industry consortium, government laboratories, faculty, and students to apply quantum computing to solve practical problems that classical computing systems cannot address.
The computing testbed will research algorithms used for materials simulations, drug discovery, industrial process optimization, and quantum machine learning. The quantum network would focus on secure communications, interconnecting networks for distributed quantum computing processors, and a quantum sensor network for high resolution and sensitivity. The center will explore mathematical models and algorithms that bridge the gap between quantum hardware and computer programmers.
Prior to the formation of the center, a grassroots group of faculty across Carnegie Mellon was working on various quantum topics. The new center will now unite these researchers, who represent different areas of expertise, and reorient their focus toward goals relevant to the industry.
Quantum Bridge to Applications